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Relaxing Kinetic Sandscape Art Table Desk

Rs. 999.00

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Product Description: 3D Deep Sea Moving Sand Art, Relaxing Kinetic Sandscape Art Table Desk Top to Decor Package Contains: It has 1 Piece of Sand Painting Art Decor Material: Glass/Heavy Plastic Color: Assorted Color Dimension: 30.5 x 30.5 x 5.1 Weight: 750gm Additional Information: Sand Painting Art for Children's for Any Home, Office Desktop, Mantle, Bookshelf Making It Ideal for Any Setting unque sand image: every time you turn the dynamic sand art, you get a different picture. As they observe the falling sand and the changing landscape scenes, they will feel particularly calm and relaxed. Clear image: Transparent, crystal-like water drops allow you to enjoy the beauty of drifting sand to the fullest. Fine polished, fine texture, bright colours, clear layers, lasting colour

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